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Pollutev7 Description
Pollutev7 has taken over three years to develop and represents a major upgrade in the design and performance of the very popular POLLUTE program.
The new Windows Interface makes the creation, editing, execution, printing and displaying of models very easy and flexible. Models can be created from scratch, using the program Wizard or by selecting one of the many pre-created models.
The POLLUTEv7 program provides fast, accurate, and comprehensive contaminant migration analysis capabilities. This program implements a one and a half dimensional solution to the advection-dispersion equation.
Unlike finite element and finite difference formulations, POLLUTEv7 does not require a time-marching procedure, and thus involves relatively little computational effort while also avoiding the numerical problems of alternate approaches.With more then fifteen years utilization in industry, POLLUTEv7 is a well tested contaminant migration analysis program which is widely used in landfill design and remediation.
Landfill designs that can be considered range from simple systems on a natural clayey aquitard to composite liners, multiple barriers and multiple aquifers.In addition to advective-dispersive transport, POLLUTEv7 can consider:
- non-linear sorption
- radioactive and biological decay
- transport through fractures
- passive sinks
- phase changes
- time-varying properties
The new Windows version of the POLLUTE program makes the creation, editing, execution, printing and displaying of models very easy and flexible. Models can be created from scratch, using the program Wizard or by selecting one of the many pre-created models. Below are a list of the features of the program divided into project, model, and output features.
Project Features
POLLUTEv7 is based upon the project concept for data storage, where the user has numerous projects and within each project there are numerous models. Using this method, a Microsoft Access 2000 database is used to store each project. Each project is stored in a separate directory, which can be on the same computer or spread across a network. A master database is used to keep track of projects and their locations. This master project database is also used to store data (such as symbol libraries) that is common to all projects.
The creation and editing of projects is supported by the following features:
- Projects stored in Access 2000 databases
- No limit to the number of projects
- New projects can be easily created
- Project directories are automatically created
- Projects can be deleted, including project directories
- Projects from other computers can be imported
- Projects can be exported to other computers
- Projects can be automatically backed up
- Backed up projects can be restored
- Model data from version 6 of the program can be imported into a project
Model Features
Models are used to represent the subsurface lithology, containment systems, and contaminant source to be studied. These models can be used to study the effects of landfills, buried waste, spills, lagoons, barrier systems, etc. Each study area should be grouped into one or more projects. A project is used to store one or more models in a study area. After a model has been created it can be run to calculate the concentrations of a contaminant at specified depths and times.
The creation and editing of models is supported by the following features (features in blue are available in the Professional edition only):
- New models can be easily created using either a blank model, the wizard, or a quick entry model
- There are four quick entry models: Primary Liner Landfill, Primary and Secondary Liner Landfill, Vertical Migration, and Horizontal Migration
- A graphical diagram of the model is displayed as it is created
- Models can contain up to 200 layers
- The graphical symbol and color for a layer can be assigned and shown of the model diagram
- Layers can contain 1, 2, or 3 dimensional fractures
- The diffusion coefficient, distribution coefficient, and phase change parameter can be specified for each layer
- The top boundary condition can be zero flux, constant concentration, or finite mass
- The bottom boundary condition can be zero flux, constant concentration, fixed outflow, or infinite thickness
- The subsurface concentrations can be calculated at specified times or the time of the maximum concentration can be automatically found by the program
- Radioactive or biological decay of the contaminant can be modeled
- An initial concentration profile at specified depths can be specified
- Freundlich and Langmuir non-linear sorption can be modeled
- Source, velocities, and layer properties can be varied with time (can be used model changes in the source, barriers, or flow patterns)
- One or more passive sinks can be specified to model horizontal velocities in layers and the removal of contaminants
- Monte Carlo simulation can be used to evaluate the effects of uncertainty of model parameters
- Sensitivity analysis can be used to predict the expected range of concentration when parameter values are not known accurately
Output Features
After a model has been run, the calculated concentrations can be displayed a number of ways. If they model did not use the Monte Carlo or Sensitivity Analysis special features these are:
- Concentration versus Depth Graph
- Concentration versus Time Graph
- Time versus Depth Graph
- Flux versus Time Graph
- Text Listing
If the model used the Monte Carlo or Sensitivity Analysis features they are:
- Distribution of the Maximum Concentration
- Distribution of the Time of the Maximum Concentration
- Distribution of the Variable Values
- Text Listing
In addition the output from the model can be exported into 19 different formats, including:
- Excel
- Access
- Rich text format
- Adobe pdf
- Lotus 123
- Paradox
In addition to the calculated results of the model, imported output data can also be displayed on the concentration vs depth and concentration vs time graphs. This imported data can be from other models, experimental results, or theoretical results. The imported data can be extracted from a file, other models in the project, or created and entered directly. After the imported data has been entered in can be edited or deleted.