Vol. 6  No. 8





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The groundwater flow equation usually implemented into a model is for relatively pure water, with low total dissolved solids (TDS) and solute concentrations.  However, sometimes this is not the case, and the flow equation needs to accommodate solutions with density effects.  These situations are treated differently, and in this newsletter we will discuss some of the reasons for being treated differently, and what is done to model them properly.

1.  What is density?

2. What effects the density of a solution?

3. When does density become important when solving for groundwater flow?

4. How do density effects change the representative numerical equations?

5.  When would I use the variable density flow equations?


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1.  What is density?

Density is defined as the mass per unit volume; it is the ratio of the mass of an amount of matter to the volume occupied by it.


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2.  What effects the density of a solution?

There are many things that effect the density of a solution.  An obvious parameter that effects density of solutions is the TDS, or total dissolved solids.  The higher the TDS, the higher the density of the water due to the inclusion of more elements (i.e. Ca, Mg, Fe, etc.).  In addition to TDS, temperature plays a large role in the density of a solution.  The density of water will increase when heated or cooled from a temperature of 4oC.  For example, water at 4oC has a density of approximately 0.999973 gm/cm3 whereas water at 50oC has a density of approximately 0.988047 gm/cm3.  This property of water is due to the cohesive nature of the hydrogen bonds, essentially how closely packed the atoms are.  Therefore, when dealing with solutions with high TDS, or temperatures either higher or lower than normal groundwater temperatures, density effects may play an important role.



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3.  When does density become important when solving for groundwater flow?

The standard flow models (without variable density effects) assume that the density of groundwater remains constant, at approximately 1.0 gm/cm3.  This assumption is typically valid for groundwaters with low TDS (total dissolved solids) and temperatures within the normal shallow groundwater range (~8oC +/-3oC in northern latitudes).  However, in circumstances when there is a high TDS value, such as sea water or landfill leachate, or in high temperature situations such as geothermal regions, these assumptions may not be valid, and therefore density effects must be taken into account.  There is no rule for at what TDS or temperature value you must use variable density flow, it is dependent on each site, and the precision required.


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4.  How do density effects change the representative numerical equations?

To form the usual groundwater flow equations used in groundwater modelling, assumptions are made regarding the variation of density in the system.  These assumptions are that density does not change spatially or temporally within the modelled domain.

When these assumptions cannot be made, a flow solution based on the non-linear multiphase flow formulation must be used.  The non-linearity of this equation typically results in greater run times, and difficulty in convergence.


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5.  When would I use variable density flow equations?

There are many reasons for using the variable density flow equations.  Some of these, as previously mentioned, include sea water, or sea water intrusion, landfill leachate or geothermal flow.  Other instances may include brine disposal, waste injection into saline aquifers or heat storage in aquifers.

Variable density flow can play an important role in the groundwater flow system in many circumstances.  There are several commercial models available which can readily solve these problems, such as the new Visual MODFLOW 4.1.


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There are many resources available for more information on variable density flow.  For this newsletter the following textbooks were used:

Anderson, M.P. and W.W. Woessner (1992).  Applied Groundwater Modeling: Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport.  Published by Academic Press Inc., San Diego, California, USA.

Bear, J. (1972).  Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media.  Published by Dover Publications Inc., New York, USA.

Fetter, C.W. (1988).  Applied Hydrogeology, Third Edition.  Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, USA.

Freeze, R.A., and J.A. Cherry (1979).  Groundwater.  Published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, USA.

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Click here to download a demo of Visual MODFLOW 4.1

Click here for the best price on Visual MODFLOW 4.1

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Visual MODFLOW has long been recognized by many as the industry standard in groundwater modelling.  This most recent update to the Visual MODFLOW package gives users several new tools and capabilities that previous versions do not.  These new tools, and reasons for upgrading to the newest version of Visual MODFLOW 4.1 are described below. 


Why Should I Upgrade to

Visual MODFLOW 4.1?

1.  Easier to Use

2.  Most Recent Updates to Models

3.  Faster Run Times

4.  Capable of Variable Density Flow


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1.  Easier to Use

The new version of Visual MODFLOW has an improved Project Creation Wizard which is now designed to help the user select the most appropriate flow and transport numeric engines for their project.  The wizard also guides the user through selecting and entering project information and run time options, in addition to many other features. 

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2.  Most Recent Updates to Models

This version of Visual MODFLOW includes the latest versions of MODFLOW-2000 from the USGS, in addition to the latest MT3DMS engine.


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3. Faster Run Times

To decrease the run times of models, a new solver, the GMG solver, has been implemented into Visual MODFLOW.  This solver has been demonstrated to greatly reduce the model run times relative to other solvers using comparable amounts of memory.  In addition, the SAMG solver has been updated in Visual MODFLOW 4.1.


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4.  Now capable of variable-density flows

The biggest update to Visual MODFLOW is the inclusion of the USGS's SEAWAT, a varibale density flow engine.  This enables users to solve variable density problems such as seawater intrusion, and landfill leachate contamination.  SEAWAT combines the flow code, MODFLOW, with the solute transport code, MT3DMS, to form a single program to solve coupled flow and solute transport of variable density systems.


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