Vol. 2 No. 6

Stochastic GW Vistas V.3.0 New

GW Vistas MODFLOW Interface


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Groundwater Vistas is a sophisticated Windows graphical user interface for 3-D groundwater flow & transport modeling. Groundwater Vistas has been chosen by the Environment Agency in England and has become the leading MODFLOW software worldwide.

New in Version 3.0

  • Supports New Models including MODFLOW2000, MT3D'99, GFLOW - 2D (steady-state analytic element model)
  • Optimization Models for Wellfield & Pump and Treat Design including Brute Force (exclusive to GV3), MODOFC, REMAX
  • New Calibration Features including support for PEST ASP, auto-sensitivity analysis script files and MODFLOW2000 inverse model supported
  • New Windows Interfaces for MT3DMS, MODPATH Version 3.2, MODFLOW2000
  • Other New Features include
  • Export EVS UCD format files
  • Support for SURFER Version 7 files
  • New MODFLOW2000Lake3 Package
  • Enhanced file management

What is Stochastic Groundwater Vistas?

Stochastic MODFLOW & Groundwater Vistas is the first modeling environment for the MODFLOW family of models that allows for the quantification of uncertainty.

Stochastic Modflow includes

  • Monte Carlo versions of MODFLOW, MODPATH & MT3D
  • New stochastic processing features in Groundwater Vistas
  • Groundwater Vistas User's Guide and Documentation
  • Tutorial for beginners
  • Geostatistical Simulators

Groundwater Vistas Key Features

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Telescopic Mesh Refinement

An excellent option for conducting transport modeling at a different scale from the flow model. It's now possible to evaluate pumping tests, well head protection and recharge areas at a local scale.

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Calibration Tools/Automatic Sensitivity Analysis

Groundwater Vistas supports PEST, UCODE, and has an inverse model built into the interface. In addition, the automated sensitivity analysis is a very powerful feature that no other MODFLOW interface has. Use a script file to test many parameters in one set of runs.

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Groundwater Vistas is the only interface to offer Monte Carlo simulation for real-world models. This is an excellent tool for mapping probabilistic capture zones.

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Groundwater Vistas can import and export data in a wide variety of file formats to interface with software packages such as: EVS, Tecplot, Surfer, ArcView, and Excel. The ArcView interface is particularly flexible.

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Multiple MODFLOW Versions

Groundwater Vistas is set up to work with many versions of MODFLOW, including the standard USGS version, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOWWT and SEAWAT. Support for MODFLOW 2000 is coming soon.

Technical Support

Technical support is offered by the developer not by junior or inexperienced staff. Not only get answers to how the software works but also to conceptual questions and problems.

There's more

Click here for additional information on Groundwater Vistas

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