Vol. 3 No. 2

Visual MODFLOW Pro Version 3.0 
Groundwater Vistas 3.0

Both Support MODFLOW 2000 


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Why MODFLOW 2000?

"MODFLOW 2000 has an enhanced modular structure that facilitates the addition of broader capabilities such as parameter estimation and solute transport. New data input methods are included to support parameter estimation. Vertical cell dimensions are specified in a separate discretization file. A new package called the LPF Package has been added as an alternative to the BCF Package."

For more detail on MODFLOW 2000 check the USGS web site:


Visual MODFLOW Pro 3.0 Just Released!   Download Upgrade ($280 - $375)

Support for MODFLOW-2000: 

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Full Integration of the Stream Routing Package 

For surface water/groundwater interaction using grid-independent stream segments and complex stream networks.

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Automatic Calculation of Conductance  

Values for Streams, Rivers, Drains and General Head boundary conditions

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New Interpolation Component 

For importing distributed model properties from discrete data points and field measurements using either Kriging, Natural Neighbor or Inverse Distance interpolation methods (supports ASCII text, Microsoft Excel, and GIS Shape file formats).

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Enhanced GIS Capalities

For importing soil properties from ASCII text files and standard GIS Shape (*.shp) files.  See an example VMOD 3D-Explorer screen capture to the left.

Groundwater Vistas 3.0 What's New Download Upgrade  ($295 - $590)

Multiple MODFLOW Versions

Groundwater Vistas is set up to work with many versions of MODFLOW, including the standard USGS version, MODFLOW-SURFACT, MODFLOWWT and SEAWAT. 

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Example Grid 

An aerial map was used as the base map. This provide a more realistic approach to grid generation.  

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Telescopic Mesh Refinement

An excellent option for conducting transport modeling at a different scale from the flow model. It's now possible to evaluate pumping tests, well head protection and recharge areas at a local scale.

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Calibration Tools/Automatic Sensitivity Analysis

Groundwater Vistas supports PEST, UCODE, and has an inverse model built into the interface. In addition, the automated sensitivity analysis is a very powerful feature that no other MODFLOW interface has. Use a script file to test many parameters in one set of runs.

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Groundwater Vistas is the only interface to offer Monte Carlo simulation for real-world models. This is an excellent tool for mapping probabilistic capture zones.

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Groundwater Vistas can import and export data in a wide variety of file formats to interface with software packages such as: EVS, Tecplot, Surfer, ArcView, and Excel. The ArcView interface is particularly flexible.

Example Output 

Groundwater Vistas allows the user to view cross-section and plan-view images on the same plot.  This provides a unique perspective to the user.



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