Vol. 5  No. 4





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In last month's newsletter (Vol. 5 No. 3) we discussed Darcy's Law, which includes hydraulic head.  This month we will discuss the following about hydraulic head and it's properties:

What does hydraulic head represent?

What is the equation for hydraulic head?

Does the equation for hydraulic head equal the total energy of a groundwater system?

How do I determine hydraulic head in the field?

Why is hydraulic head important?

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What does hydraulic head represent?

Hydraulic head is a measurement of the total mechanical energy per weight of the groundwater flow system.  In other words, it is the fluid potential for flow through porous media.   It is predominantly comprised of pressure and elevation heads.

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What is the equation for hydraulic head?

The equation for hydraulic (h) head has two components; elevation head and pressure head. 

h = z + hp


z = elevation of the fluid above a reference elevation (L)

hp = pressure head (L), calculated by:

hp = P/ρg


P = pressure (M/LT2)

ρ = density of fluid (M/L3)

g = acceleration of gravity (L/T2)


For example, in the given scenario hydraulic head would be calculated as follows:









Notice how we don't have to calculate hp in this case and how we can determine it directly in the field.

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Does the equation for hydraulic head equal the total energy of a groundwater system?

This is a tricky question.  The value calculated for hydraulic head is representative of the total energy, however it is not the exact value.  This is because the derivation of the total energy of a groundwater flow system also includes a term for kinetic energy.  Kinetic energy represents the energy obtained from the movement of the water (Newtonian physics:  a body in motion tends to remain in motion).  The equation for total mechanical energy of a groundwater flow system is:

 Etm = (v2/(2g)) + z + hp

where v = velocity (L/T)

             g =  acceleration of gravity(L/T2)

             z = elevation of the fluid (L)

             hp = pressure head (L)

The equation for hydraulic head does not include the kinetic energy term because the velocity of groundwater flowing in porous media under natural hydraulic gradients is very low, and hence the value for kinetic energy is significantly smaller than the elevation and pressure head, and can be safely ignored. 

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How do I determine hydraulic head in the field?

Hydraulic head can be determined by measuring the depth of the water table in a groundwater well, usually a piezometer.  A piezometer is a non-pumping well, typically with a small diameter and a short well screen through which water can enter.  A piezometer nest is a group of two or more piezometers which are set very close to each other but are screened at different depths.  The use of a piezometer nest is an excellent way to determine the vertical hydraulic gradient (vertical change in hydraulic head) at a location.

When a piezometer is installed there is some information about it that needs to be recorded for determining hydraulic head.  The depth of the piezometer (i.e. depth to the screened section) and the elevation at the surface are two examples of data that may be needed for calculating hydraulic head.

The following example illustrates how hydraulic head (and other related parameters) would be calculated from the depth of a water table in a piezometer:

The data below were collected from a piezometer nest:


Piezometer A

Piezometer B

Piezometer C

Elevation at Surface (m.a.s.l.)* 250 250 250
Depth of piezometer (m) 150 100 80
Depth to Water Table (m.b.s.)** 84 79 65

*  meters above sea level    ** meters below surface

Part i)  Calculate the hydraulic head

The hydraulic head is the elevation of the water in the piezometer.  It is calculated by subtracting the depth to water from the surface elevation:

A:  250 - 84 = 166 m    B:  250 - 79 = 171 m    C:  250 - 65 = 185 m

Part ii) Calculate the pressure head at each well

The pressure head is the height of the water above the depth of the piezometer.  Hence it is calculated by:

A:  150 - 84 = 66 m     B:  100 - 79 = 21 m      C:  80 - 65 = 15 m

Part iii)  Calculate the elevation head at each well

The elevation head is the height of the measuring point (i.e. the piezometer depth) above the datum.  In our case we have taken our datum to be mean sea level, therefore the elevation head for each well is calculated as:

A:  250 - 150 = 100m    B:  250 - 100 = 150 m    C:  250 - 80 = 170 m

Notice how the hydraulic head is the sum of the pressure head and the elevation head!

Part iv)  Calculate the vertical hydraulic gradient between the piezometers

The hydraulic gradient is the difference in hydraulic head divided by the vertical distance between the two piezometers.

From piezometer A to B we have:

171 - 166  = 5 m difference in head

150 - 100 = 50 m vertical distance

So, the vertical gradient is 5/50 = 0.1

And from B to C we have:

185 - 171 = 14 m difference in head

100 - 80 = 20 m vertical distance

So, the vertical gradient is 14/20 = 0.7

In both cases we see that the gradient is downwards, meaning the water is flowing down through the porous media.

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Why is hydraulic head important?

The analysis of virtually every physical process involves a potential gradient.  For example, an electrical current flows through circuits from higher voltages to lower.  The same can be said for water flow, there is a potential gradient that determines the direction of flow, and this potential gradient is determined by hydraulic head.  Hydraulic head is the cornerstone of groundwater flow knowledge, a key component in Darcy's law which describes fluid flow through porous media.  It is incorporated into every groundwater flow model including the groundwater flow model, Visual MODFLOW, and the pumping/slug test analysis programs, Aquifer Test, AquiferWin32 and Single Well Solutions.

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There are several excellent references available for more information on hydraulic head and it's related properties.  References used for this newsletter were:

Bear, J. (1972).  Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media.  Published by Dover Publications Inc., New York.

Fetter, C.W. (1988).  Applied Hydrogeology 3rd edition.  Published by Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey.

Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry (1979).  Groundwater.  Published by Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey.




AquiferTest, AquiferWin32 & Single Well Solutions

Which one is for me?



With such excellent selection available for programs which perform pumping/slug test analysis, how can you ensure that you are selecting the right program for your needs?

If you do not have any data from observation wells, and will be conducting an analysis based solely on data from a single well, Single Well Solutions is an excellent option.

If you are not a frequent analyzer of pumping/slug tests, or if you know exactly which solution method you like to use, AquiferWin32 may be the program best suited for you.

If you often analyze pumping/slug test data, are uncertain about, or like to experiment with, different solution methods, AquiferTest would be a great program for use.


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Single Well Solutions contains some of the most popular analytical solutions for determining aquifer conductivity and pumping well efficiency, and all from single well test data.  While other programs such as AquiferWin32 and AquiferTest also have single well test capabilities, Single Well Solutions is the most cost effective package for this type of well analysis.

The analytical solutions included in Single Well Solutions are:

Slug Tests

  • Bouwer and Rice (1976)

  • Cooper et al. (1967)

Constant Discharge

  • Hurr and Worthington (1981)

  • Hantush (1964)

Variable Discharge

  • Bisroy and Summers (1980) for both intermittent and uninterrupted pumping

Step Drawdown

  • Hantush and Bierschenk (1964)

Constant Discharge Recovery

  • Theis (1935)

All of these solution methods come from Analysis and Evaluation of Pumping Test Data by Kruseman and deRidder (1990).



1.  Easy to import data

2.  Ability to manage large data sets

3.  Simple graph and table production


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1.  Easy to import data

Not only does Single Well Solutions include a Wizard environment to guide you through the entire analysis procedure, but with a wide variety of options for importing/inputting data this program is easy to use.

Data can be downloaded directly from a datalogger, it can be read into the spreadsheet from an ASCII file, and raw data can be pasted into the spreadsheet from the clipboard.

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2.  Ability to manage large data sets

Often times datasets from a datalogger may be exceptionally large.  Single Well Solutions contains a filter option which can be used to reduce the size of the dataset by analyzing every one, two... up to ten, data pairs.  However, an unlimited number of data pairs can be analyzed.

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3.  Simple graph and table production

The production of tables and graphs is simple with this program.  Tables of raw data can be created, in addition to graphical results and summary tables.  The Windows based environment makes the production of these features easy, in addition to the use of the Wizard environment.

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AquiferWin32 is capable of analyzing both single well tests and large scale pumping tests.  What sets AquiferWin32 apart from other pumping/slug test analysis programs is that you can purchase the solutions that you require at that time, and upgrade later.  This enables you to pay for exactly what you want!

There are numerous solutions available in AquiferWin32.  Split into their respective categories, they are:


Slug Test Analysis

  • Hvorslev (1951)

  • Bouwer and Rice (1976)

  • Black (1978)

  • Cooper, Bredehoeft and Papadopulos (1967)

  • KGS Model

  • Kipp (1985)

Step Test Analysis

  • Eden and Hazel (1973)

  • Birsoy and Summers (1980)

Model Solutions

  • Theis (1935)

  • Hantush (1960)

  • Hantush and Jacobs (1955)

  • Neuman (1972)

  • WinFlow

  • WinTran

Pumping Test Analyses
  • Cooper and Jacob (1946)
  • Theis (1935)
  • Theis (Unconfined) (1935)
  • Theis (Recovery) (1946)
  • Hantush (1961)
  • Papadopulos and Cooper (1967)
  • Hantush (1960)
  • Hantush and Jacob (1955)
  • Hantush (1964)
  • Neuman (1972)
  • Neuman (1974)
  • Moench (1984)
  • Moench (1985)
  • Moench (1997)



1.  Easy to import data

2.  Ability to create first-order derivative type curves

3.  Full featured modelling environment


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1.  Easy to import data

The wide variety of data importing methods makes data entry much more convenient.  Data can be easily entered using the new import wizard.  In addition, you can still enter the data manually, by cutting and pasting from spreadsheets, or by importing text files.  AquiferWin32 also contains one of the most versatile unit conversion calculators available.


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2.  Ability to create first-order derivative type curves

The analysis of pumping test data can be significantly improved using a first-order derivative plot, and AquiferWin32 gives you that ability.  You can do manual curve matching to the first order derivative type curve, allowing you to optimize your match, and accurately reduce your data.


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3.  Full featured modelling environment

AquiferWin32 contains a modelling environment that can produce contour maps of hydraulic head or drawdown, colour floods of head or drawdown, and particle tracking with analytical groundwater flow modelling.   The inclusion of WinFlow and WinTran further expands these capabilities.


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AquiferTest is an easy-to-use, versatile program for graphical analysis and reporting of pumping/slug test data.  It contains numerous solutions to analyze your data, and gives you a wide selection of output options.  Somewhat similar to AquiferWin32, AquiferTest has two purchasing options which determine which solutions are included.

The solution methods available in AquiferTest are:

Pumping Test Analysis

  • Theis (1937)
  • Cooper-Jacob Time-Drawdown
  • Cooper-Jacob Distance-Drawdown
  • Cooper-Jacob Time-Distance-Drawdown
  • Walton (Hantush-Jacob)
  • Neuman
  • Moench
  • Moench Fracture Flow
  • Theis Steptest
  • Cooper-Jacob Steptest
  • Theis Recovery
  • Hantush-Bierschenk Well Loss
  • Specific Capacity
  • Theis Prediction
  • Jacob Correction Factor



Forward/Predictive Solutions                               (only available in AquiferTest Pro)
  • Theis
  • Hantush
  • Stallman (Barrier)
  • Stallman (Recharge)
  • Gringarten (Well Skin Effects)
  • Papadopulos (Large Diameter Wells)

Slug/Bail Test Analysis

  • Hvorslev
  • Bouwer-Rice
  • Cooper-Bredehoeft-Papadopulos



1.  Easy to import data

2.  Several data analysis features

3.  Versatile output selections


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1.  Easy to import data

AquiferTest has a variety of methods for importing data, including cutting and pasting from ASCII text files and Excel spreadsheet files.  In addition, a Microsoft Access database is used to store and manage data, and the intuitive data entry forms makes for fast and easy data entry and editing.

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2.  Several data analysis features

If you are not certain about what solution would be appropriate for your data, the Method Selection Advisor available in AquiferTest will help select a solution method based on your aquifer conditions (based on ASTM standards).  In addition, you can simultaneously analyze data from several pumping tests, and use the Pumping Test Planner to predict your data results, and help plan an appropriate pumping test.

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3.  Versatile output selections

The map views, tabulated data and analysis graphs can be printed with professional report layouts.  You can also customize the appearance of the graphs, and then export them to graphics files (.bmp, .jpg, .wmf and .emf) for inclusion in reports, or for further modifications.

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