Does the Rain Go?
written by Kim Henry,
illustrated by B. Morey Stockwell
paperback, 24 pages, for ages 3 to 7

Follow a
boy as he travels through the hydrologic cycle. The rain falls
on the roof of his house and makes puddles in the
garden. Plant and trees take up the water in their roots
and release it into the air from their leaves. Clouds form and
move over the mountains, where more rain falls. The water flows
toward the sea in a river. From the river bed, the water seeps
into an aquifer, where it flows slowly
back to the boy's garden and comes back to the surface in a well.

In an aquifer
water fills the tiny
spaces in between grains of sand or soil. An aquifer is not an
underground river! Groundwater in an aquifer is flowing
slowly, sometimes moving only a few inches in a year.