
Software Demos

Tutorials How Demo is Handicaped
AquaChem (Graphical Analysis of Geochemical Data) Tutorial This demonstration program is a fully functional version of AquaChem with the exceptions that you cannot create a new database and the included demo database is limited to 30 samples and 5 stations. The user is allowed to create and print plots but they will contain an watermark identifying them as demos. Additionally, plots cannot be saved in *.WMF form.
AquiferTest (Analysis of Pumping Tests and Slug Tests) Tutorial There is a maximum of 20 data points and you can not export any graphics. Additionally, the Bouwer & Rice and Cooper-Jacob slug tests analyses are disabled.
AquiferWin32 (Analysis of Pumping Tests and Slug Tests) Tutorial 1) You cannot save the analysis
2) You cannot print the analysis
Didger (Didgitizing Maps)   The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled.
FEFLOW (2D/3D Flow and Transport Model) Tutorial The ability to save a model is disabled.
Grapher (XY Plotting)   The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled.
Groundwater Vistas (MODFLOW/MT3D Interface) Tutorial
There is a maximum of 50 rows, 50 columns and 4 layers.
Hydrus (Saturated/UnSaturated Flow, Contaminant Transport) Tutorial You can not run simulations or print but the results of the example problems are available for viewing.
Map Viewer (Displaying Data on Maps)   The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been  disabled.
MIDUSS (Stormwater System Design) Tutorial The demo is identical to the full version except there are a number of parameters that can not be altered. However, the demo will run for an unlimited amount of time.
Pocket ESA (Phase I ESA Generator for Pocket and Desktop PCs) Tutorial The demo only allows analysis of the included examples.
Pocket WinLog (Borehole Log Plotting and Database Management for Pocket PCs) Tutorial The demo only allows analysis of the included examples.
RBCA Tier 2 Analyzer (2D Flow and Transport Model Similar to MODFLOW/MT3D99) Tutorial The demo only works for 30 days and you can not save  a project or print.
RISC (Human Health Risk Assessment) Tutorial You cannot save or print any project you create.
Sample Labeler (Printing Sample Container Labels) Tutorial The demo is a 30 day trial and you cannot print or save.
Single Well Solutions (Analysis of Single Well Aquifer Tests and Slug Tests) Tutorial The demo 'dies' after 15 days.
SOLUTRANS (3D Analytical Transport) Tutorial The user is restricted to fixed model input.
Strater (Boring log and well construction diagrams)   The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been  disabled.
Surfer (2D Visualization)   The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been  disabled.
TWODAN (2D Analytical Transport) Tutorial The user is restricted to fixed model input.
Tecplot 10  (XY, 2D & 3D Graphics) Tutorial This demonstration program is a fully functional version of Tecplot 10 with the exception that you are limited to manipulating the example data sets provided
UnSatSuite (Unsaturated Zone Modeling with SESOIL & HELP) Tutorial You can not run models or save changes to models.
Visual HELP (Landfill Design) Tutorial You can not run or save changes to models.
Visual MODFLOW (3D Flow and Transport Modeling Env.) Tutorial You can not run any simulations (engines are disabled).
Visual Site Manager (Intuitive Database Management and Analysis) Tutorial You can only manipulate the sample database and some editing and export functions are disabled.
WAMOMAS (Watershed Monitoring/Management) Tutorial The software is only functional for 30 days and 'dies' thereafter.
WinFence (Cross-sections and Fence Diagrams) Tutorial The demo only allows analysis of the included examples.
WinFlow (2D Flow and Transport Modeling) Tutorial OLE is not supported and you cannot print or export your results.
WinLog (Borehole Log Plotting and Database Management) Tutorial The demo only allows analysis of the included examples.
WinSieve (Grain Size Analysis and Soil Classification) Tutorial The demo only allows analysis of the included examples.