Software Demos |
Tutorials | How Demo is Handicaped |
AquaChem (Graphical Analysis of Geochemical Data) | Tutorial | This demonstration program is a fully functional version of AquaChem with the exceptions that you cannot create a new database and the included demo database is limited to 30 samples and 5 stations. The user is allowed to create and print plots but they will contain an watermark identifying them as demos. Additionally, plots cannot be saved in *.WMF form. |
AquiferTest (Analysis of Pumping Tests and Slug Tests) | Tutorial | There is a maximum of 20 data points and you can not export any graphics. Additionally, the Bouwer & Rice and Cooper-Jacob slug tests analyses are disabled. |
AquiferWin32 (Analysis of Pumping Tests and Slug Tests) | Tutorial | 1) You cannot save the analysis 2) You cannot print the analysis |
Didger (Didgitizing Maps) | The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled. | |
FEFLOW (2D/3D Flow and Transport Model) | Tutorial | The ability to save a model is disabled. |
Grapher (XY Plotting) | The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled. | |
Groundwater Vistas (MODFLOW/MT3D Interface) | Tutorial | There is a maximum of 50 rows, 50 columns and 4 layers. |
Hydrus (Saturated/UnSaturated Flow, Contaminant Transport) | Tutorial | You can not run simulations or print but the results of the example problems are available for viewing. |
Map Viewer (Displaying Data on Maps) | The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled. | |
MIDUSS (Stormwater System Design) | Tutorial | The demo is identical to the full version except there are a number of parameters that can not be altered. However, the demo will run for an unlimited amount of time. |
Pocket ESA (Phase I ESA Generator for Pocket and Desktop PCs) | Tutorial | The demo only allows analysis of the included examples. |
Pocket WinLog (Borehole Log Plotting and Database Management for Pocket PCs) | Tutorial | The demo only allows analysis of the included examples. |
RBCA Tier 2 Analyzer (2D Flow and Transport Model Similar to MODFLOW/MT3D99) | Tutorial | The demo only works for 30 days and you can not save a project or print. |
RISC (Human Health Risk Assessment) | Tutorial | You cannot save or print any project you create. |
Sample Labeler (Printing Sample Container Labels) | Tutorial | The demo is a 30 day trial and you cannot print or save. |
Single Well Solutions (Analysis of Single Well Aquifer Tests and Slug Tests) | Tutorial | The demo 'dies' after 15 days. |
SOLUTRANS (3D Analytical Transport) | Tutorial | The user is restricted to fixed model input. |
Strater (Boring log and well construction diagrams) | The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled. | |
Surfer (2D Visualization) | The demo is fully featured and you can use your own data. However, print, save, copy, cut and export have been disabled. | |
TWODAN (2D Analytical Transport) | Tutorial | The user is restricted to fixed model input. |
Tecplot 10 (XY, 2D & 3D Graphics) | Tutorial | This demonstration program is a fully functional version of Tecplot 10 with the exception that you are limited to manipulating the example data sets provided |
UnSatSuite (Unsaturated Zone Modeling with SESOIL & HELP) | Tutorial | You can not run models or save changes to models. |
Visual HELP (Landfill Design) | Tutorial | You can not run or save changes to models. |
Visual MODFLOW (3D Flow and Transport Modeling Env.) | Tutorial | You can not run any simulations (engines are disabled). |
Visual Site Manager (Intuitive Database Management and Analysis) | Tutorial | You can only manipulate the sample database and some editing and export functions are disabled. |
WAMOMAS (Watershed Monitoring/Management) | Tutorial | The software is only functional for 30 days and 'dies' thereafter. |
WinFence (Cross-sections and Fence Diagrams) | Tutorial | The demo only allows analysis of the included examples. |
WinFlow (2D Flow and Transport Modeling) | Tutorial | OLE is not supported and you cannot print or export your results. |
WinLog (Borehole Log Plotting and Database Management) | Tutorial | The demo only allows analysis of the included examples. |
WinSieve (Grain Size Analysis and Soil Classification) | Tutorial | The demo only allows analysis of the included examples. |